Nicola 29th July 2021

My beautiful mum - the only way to describe you, beautiful inside and out. You were taken from us far too soon and I just wish we had more time. I miss you - I miss your smile, I miss our phone calls and messages just talking about the little day to day things that meant so much to you, I have so much to tell you already, I miss you just being there. I know it is said a lot but you truly lit up a room just by being in it - that sparkle of yours and just your presence was enough to make the people around you happy. You have left such a massive hole inside that will never be filled but, I will try to live by your example - with a smile no matter what struggles are thrown my way and with kindness to others and the world around me - you will be there in the trees and creatures you loved so much, when I see them I will think of you. You have been through so much the last couple of years but, whenever we would ask how you were, the answer was always the same 'I'm fine' you would say so as not to worry us. You are the bravest, strongest person I know and I am so lucky you were my mum. I love you so much. Rest in peace now mum. Nicola xxx